Studies on the anti-parasitic efficacy and safety of ivermectin and pyrantel pamoate compound against Dirofilaria immitis in dogs
Heejeong Youn, Jeong-Chan Ra, Byung-Ki Kim, Yong-Suk Lim, Kyong-Hee Kim, Kyong-Eun Lee
Korean J Vet Res. 2012;52(1):53-56.   Published online 2012 Mar 31     DOI:
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Predictors of upper limbs’ function in patients with cervical tetraplegia
F.A. Bushkov, A.N. Razumov, N.V. Sichinava
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kul'tury.2023; 100(2): 14.     CrossRef