Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1994;34(4):805-813.
Application of immunohistochemical technique for diagnosis of porcine epidemic diarrhea
Nam-yong Park, Kyoung-oh Cho
Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University
돼지 유행성 설사(Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea)의 진단을 위한 면역조직 화학적 기법의 응용
박남용, 조경오
전남대학교 수의과대학 병리학교실
Immunohistochemical study on the intestinal tissues obtained from the 21 pigs of the 14 terms in Korea in which the clinical and epidemiological features had indicated the possible outbreaks of porcine epidemic diarrhea(PED) was performed using the indirect immunofluorescence test and/or the immunoperoxidase method in order to detect PED viral antigens in the infected cells of the intestines, and histopathological features were described as well. By immunohistochemical analysis, PED viral antigens were detected in the epithelial cells covering the small intestinal villi and recognized slightly in the cells lining the colonic surface epithelium as well. Occasional fluorescence was also seen in a few intestinal crypt epithelium. On light microscopy, the piglets with PED showed marked villous atrophy and fusion, and severe enterocyte degeneration and desquamation. On the other hand, the older pigs more than 4 week old age was mild villous atrophy and fusion, severe villous epithelial cell proliferation, and moderate mononuclear cell infiltration.
Key Words: porcine epidemic diarrhea, PED, swine, immunohistochemistry

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