Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2006;46(4):337-345.
Genetic characterization of Shigella flexneri isolated from the diarrheic patients in Seoul region
Hyun-Jung Seung1, Moo-Sang Kim1, Young-Hee Oh1, Byung-Hyun Choi1, Hee-Sun Chae1, Jiaqi Chu2, Moo-Hyung Jun2
1Seoul Metropolitan City Research Institute of Public Health & Environment
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
서울지역 설사환자로 부터 분리된 Shigella flexneri의 성상과 유전적 특성
승현정1, 김무상1, 오영희1, 최병현1, 채희선1, 초가기2, 전무형2
2충남대학교 수의과대학
The shigellae are common etiological agents of bacillary dysentery in humans and primates. During four years from 2002 to 2005, 22 strains of Shigella spp. were isolated from the diarrheic patients in Seoul region. All of them were identified as S. flexneri by biochemical tests and serotyping. The prevalence of serotypes were variable by year, but the major serotypes were 2a and 3a. In an antimicrobial susceptibility test, all of the isolates were resistant to streptomycin and tetracycline, and susceptible to amikacin, kanamycin, cefoxitin, and gentamicin. All of the isolates showed the multi-resistant patterns over 3 drugs. By analysis of the plasmid profile the isolates were classified into 7 groups (P1~P7). Serotypes 2a and 2b were distributed to P1, P2, P3, and P4. Serotype 3a was differentiated to P5 and serotype 3b, to P6 and serotype 4a, to P7. PCR results showed that all isolates were positive for two virulence genes, ipaH and ial, but none of the strains had stx gene. The set1A and set1B genes were detected from 12 isolates (54.5%) that belonged to serotype 2a and 2b. The sen gene was detected from 19 isolates (86.4%). The 22 isolates showed 12 to 17 DNA fragments in the sizes ranging from 20.5 kb to 1135 kb, resulting in 13 patterns by the PFGE with Not I digestion. The PFGE patterns of the isolates showed the close relation with the serotypes, but no relations with year of isolation and antimicrobial resistance.
Key Words: genetic analysis, Korean isolates, PFGE, S. flexneri, virulence

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