Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1987;27(2):223-226.
Serological Classification of Porcine Enteroviruses Isolated in Korea
Tae-kyun Shin1, Cha-soo Lee2, Hyock-jin Kwon3, Nick J. Knowles4
1Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University
2Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Kyungpook National University
3Bayer Veterinary Medicine Research Institute
4Department of Epidemiology, Animal Virus Research Institute
국내(國內)에서 분리(分離)된 Porcine Enterovirus의 혈청학적(血淸學的) 분류(分類)
신태균1, 이차수2, 권혁진3, 4
1충남대학교 의과대학 해부학교실
2경북대학교 농과대학 수의학과
3한국바이엘화학(주) 부설 동물의학연구소
Serological classification was carried out on 10 samples of PEV isolated from the feces, the milk and the brain of the diseased pigs in Korea by CFT using type specific antisera of PEV. Ten samples of PEV were classified into 2 serotypes which were serotype 3 and 8. PEV from the feces belonged to serotype 8 and those from the milk and the brain to serotype 3. The cross reaction of serotype 3 occurred especially with serotype 1. Talfan virus. It can be said that at least 2 serotypes of PEV have existed in Korea.

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