Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1988;28(2):227-239.
Morphological studies on the dendritic cells in the mammary gland I. Appearance of the ATPase-positive dendritic cells
Si-yun Ryu1, Cha-soo Lee2
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
유선조직내에 출현하는 dendritic cell의 형태학적 연구 I. ATPase-positive dendritic cell의 분포양상
류시윤1, 이차수2
1충남대학교 농과대학 수의학과
2경북대학교 수의과대학
In order to investigate the morphological characteristics of dendritic cells in the mammary gland, the appearance on the clear cells(CLs) or ATPase-positive dendritic cells(APDCs) have been observed by the light microscope. The results obtained were summarized as follows: CLs were observed in the mammary tissues of the experimental animals, such as mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, pigs, cows and Korean native goats, and these CLs were confirmed as the ATPase-positive cells of typical dendritic appearance(APDCs), The APDCs were distributed in between the secretory epithelial cells, between the secretory epithelial cells and the myoepithelial cells, the basal area of the secretory epithelial cells, the interalveolar and interlobular connective tissues, and in between the epithelial cells of secretory duct. The APDCs were observed more frequently during the middle period of lactation than the other periods, and were irregularly or uniformly distributed according to the location. During the middle period of lactation, there were notable quantitative differences in the APDSs depending on the mammary glands of mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and cats, The most prominent differences were recognized among the mice, guinea pigs and cats. The number of AP DCs per unit area was statistically fewer in the guinea pigs($209.07{pm}51.75cells/mm^2$) than in the mice($221.00{pm}50.94cells/mm^2$) and cats($223.56{pm}49.68cells/mm^2$) (respectively, p<0.05, p<0.05). Among the A/J, DBA/2, C57BL/6 and NIH(GP) mice, the mean densities of APDCs was statistically significantly fewer in the DBA/2($196.65{pm}43.47cells/mm^2$) than in the C57BL/6($248.40{pm}41.40cells/mm^2$) and NIH(GP) ($235.98{pm}55.89cells/mm^2$) (respectively, p<0.0000, p<0.0000), however no significant difference between the C57BL/6 and the NIH(GP) was recognized (p>0.1). Among the F344, SD and W rats, the statistical analysis were confirmed that there were significantly fewer APDCs in the F344($198.72{pm}47.61cells/mm^2$) than in the SD($227.70{pm}41.40cells/mm^2$) and W($223.56{pm}49.68cells/mm^2$) (respectively, p<0.0000, p<0.0001), however no significant difference between the SD and the W was recognized(p>0.1). The mean difference between the inbred and the noninbred counts in the mice was statistically significant (p<0.0001), and the similar result was presented in the rats(p<0.0000).
Key Words: ATPase-positive dendritic cell, clear cell, mammary gland

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