Morphological studies on the dendritic cells in the mammary gland II. Electron microscopic observations |
Si-yun Ryu1, Cha-soo Lee2 |
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University |
유선조직내에 출현하는 dendritic cell의 형태학적 연구 II. 전자현미경적 관찰 |
류시윤1, 이차수2 |
1충남대학교 농과대학 수의학과 2경북대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
In order to investigate the morphological characteristics of dendritic cells in the mammary gland of the mouse (C57 BL/6), rat(W), rabbit and cat, the fine structures of the dendritic cells have been observed by the electron microscope. The results obtained were summarized as follows: The dendritic cells with the well-developed processes had an irregular shape, and lacked the desmosome. The pinocytotic vesicles and tubular invaginations of the cell membrane were frequently observed, and the mitochondria with the well-developed cristae were located in the restricted region in the cytoplasm of the dendritic cells. The nuclei of dendritic cells were indented, In the mice and rats, the dendritic cells had a few Langerhans cell granules(Birbeck granules). From the above results, it is confirmed that the ATPase-positive dendritic cells in the mammary gland are the Langerhans cells. |
Key Words:
Langerhans cell, dendritic cell, mammary gland |