Studies on toxicity of ochratoxin A to chromosomes of turmor cell-line |
Wha-jung Yoon1, Min-hee Roh2, Kang-ryun Kim3 |
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, Kon Kuk University 2Jisan Junior College 3Department of Anatomy, Kosin Medical College |
종양세포(腫瘍細胞)의 염색체(染色體)에 대한 오크라톡신 A의 독성(毒性)에 관한 연구(硏究) |
윤화중1, 노민희2, 김강련3 |
1건국대학교 수의학과 2지산간호보건전문대학 3고신대학 의학부 해부학교실 |
Abstract |
This study was performed to investigate the toxicity of ochratoxin A (OA) to the chromosomes of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line in vitro. The results of this experiment were as follows: 1) Chromosomes of $K_{562}$tumor cell-line resulted in pseudotriploidy on the control group. Chromosomes of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA resulted in heteroploidy compared with the control group. The mean number of chromosomes in the karyotype of the control group (60) were 7 in the A group, 5 in the B group, 20 in the C+X group, 7 in the D group, 9 in the E group, 6 in the F group, and 6 in the G+Y group respectively. The number of chromosomes were increased as follows: Treating with $0.7{mu}M$ OA, the number of chromosomes were increased one in E and F group, two in G+Y group compared with control group. In treated with $1.5{mu}M$ OA, the increasing number of chromosome was one in E and F group. In treated with $3{mu}M$ OA, E and F group was increased one and G+Y group were increased two chromosomes compared with control group. But in treated with $6{mu}M$ OA, the number of chromosome in G+Y group was decreased one. 2) $K_{562}$ tumor cell line treated with OA showed Philadelphia-Chromosome in the long arm of the G group karyotype chromosome. The rate of chromosome aberration in $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA was 77% in $0.7{mu}M$ OA group, 71% in $1.5{mu}M$ OA group, 82% in $3{mu}M$ OA group and 94% in $6{mu}M$ OA group respectively. The rate of chromosome aberration of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA was high in the high dose level of OA, and chromosome aberration of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA showed deletion, minute, dicentric-chromosome and translocation in the long arm of the C-group karyotype. As a result of this study, the toxicity of OA showed deletion, minute, dicentric-chromosome and translocation in the long arm of the C-group karyotype, and then, the toxicity of OA resulted in the damage to RNA and protein synthesis in $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line, and the C-group karyotype of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line was target of the toxicity of OA. |
Key Words:
ochratoxin A, $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line, chromosome karyotype, chromosome aberration, philadelphia-chromosome |