Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1989;29(2):51-57.
Studies on toxicity of ochratoxin A to chromosomes of turmor cell-line
Wha-jung Yoon1, Min-hee Roh2, Kang-ryun Kim3
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, Kon Kuk University
2Jisan Junior College
3Department of Anatomy, Kosin Medical College
종양세포(腫瘍細胞)의 염색체(染色體)에 대한 오크라톡신 A의 독성(毒性)에 관한 연구(硏究)
윤화중1, 노민희2, 김강련3
1건국대학교 수의학과
3고신대학 의학부 해부학교실
This study was performed to investigate the toxicity of ochratoxin A (OA) to the chromosomes of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line in vitro. The results of this experiment were as follows: 1) Chromosomes of $K_{562}$tumor cell-line resulted in pseudotriploidy on the control group. Chromosomes of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA resulted in heteroploidy compared with the control group. The mean number of chromosomes in the karyotype of the control group (60) were 7 in the A group, 5 in the B group, 20 in the C+X group, 7 in the D group, 9 in the E group, 6 in the F group, and 6 in the G+Y group respectively. The number of chromosomes were increased as follows: Treating with $0.7{mu}M$ OA, the number of chromosomes were increased one in E and F group, two in G+Y group compared with control group. In treated with $1.5{mu}M$ OA, the increasing number of chromosome was one in E and F group. In treated with $3{mu}M$ OA, E and F group was increased one and G+Y group were increased two chromosomes compared with control group. But in treated with $6{mu}M$ OA, the number of chromosome in G+Y group was decreased one. 2) $K_{562}$ tumor cell line treated with OA showed Philadelphia-Chromosome in the long arm of the G group karyotype chromosome. The rate of chromosome aberration in $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA was 77% in $0.7{mu}M$ OA group, 71% in $1.5{mu}M$ OA group, 82% in $3{mu}M$ OA group and 94% in $6{mu}M$ OA group respectively. The rate of chromosome aberration of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA was high in the high dose level of OA, and chromosome aberration of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line treated with OA showed deletion, minute, dicentric-chromosome and translocation in the long arm of the C-group karyotype. As a result of this study, the toxicity of OA showed deletion, minute, dicentric-chromosome and translocation in the long arm of the C-group karyotype, and then, the toxicity of OA resulted in the damage to RNA and protein synthesis in $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line, and the C-group karyotype of $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line was target of the toxicity of OA.
Key Words: ochratoxin A, $K_{562}$ tumor cell-line, chromosome karyotype, chromosome aberration, philadelphia-chromosome

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