Genentic properties of R plasmids in Salmonella isolates of swine and bovine origin in Korea II. Incompatibility and profile of R plasmid |
Won-pil Choi1, Hi-suk Lee1, San-geon Yeo2, Hun-jun Lee3, Suk-chan Jung4 |
1College of Veterinary medicine, Kyungpook National University 2College of Veterinary medicine, Gyeonsang National University 3Department of Veterinary medicine, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University 4Veterinary Research Institute, Rural Development Administration |
우(牛), 돈(豚)에서 분리(分離)한 Salmonella유래(由來) R plasmid의 유전학적(遺傳學的) 및 분자생물학적(分子生物學的) 성상(性狀)에 관한 연구(硏究) II. R plasmid의 비적합성(非適合性) 및 plasmid profile |
최원필1, 이희석1, 여상건2, 이헌준3, 정석찬4 |
1경북대학교 수의과대학 2경상대학교 수의과대학 3충남대학교 농과대학 수의학과 4농촌진흥철 가축위생연구소 |
Abstract |
This paper deals with the genetic properties of R plasmids in Salmonella originated from pigs and cattle. The plasmid DNA was examined for incompatibility, stability and fertility inhibition(Fi), and gel electrophoresis was performed for isolation of plasmid DNA. The results obtained were summerized as follows: 1. Among the 66 conjugative R plasmids from 44 pigs and 22 cattle, 61 R plasmids (92.4%) were $Fi^-$, whereas the remainder were $Fi^+$. 2. The Inc groups of 66 R plasmids were determined with 7 standard plasmids. Twenty-six R plasmids were classified into Inc group $I{alpha}$, H1, H2 or F1, 40 R plasmids being not classified with standard plasmids used, and the Inc group $I{alpha}$ (57.7%) was most frequent. 3. Inc groups $I{alpha}$, H1, and F1 were identified in strains from swine, Inc groups H2 and F1 from cattle. 4. The plasmid DNA profiles in 16 Salmonella isolated from pigs and cattle were confirmed as being 1 to 10 fragments by the gel eletrophoresis. Their molecular weight ranged 1.0 to 90 megadalton. 5. The molecular weight of conjugative plasmids ranged 1.0 to 80 megadalton in 4 Salmonella (P-4, P-5, P-7 and P-8) isolated from pigs. |
Key Words:
Salmonella, R plasmid, incompatibility, fertility inhibition, plasmid profile |