Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1989;29(4):469-474.
The changes of plasma prostaglandin E2 level and natural killer cell activity in EL-4 leukemia cells bearing mice
Sung-ho Kim
Laboratory of Cancer Pathology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital
EL-4 암세포주(癌細胞株) 이식(移植)마우스에서의 혈중(血中) prostaglandin E2 농도(濃度) 및 자연살해세포(自然殺害細胞) 활성도(活性度)의 변화(變化)
원자력병원 암병리학연구실
The changes of plasma prostaglandin $E_2$ level, natural killer cell activity and tumor cell growth were assayed after transplantation of EL-4 leukemia cells in C57BL/6 mice. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Plasma prostaglandin $E_2$ level was increased in EL-4 bearing mice, but indomethacin treated mice group showed low level. 2. The tumor-derived prostaglandin $E_2$ inhibited the post-target binding cytolytic process of natural killer activity. 3. Indomethacin inhibited the growth of prostaglandin secreting EL-4 solid tumor.
Key Words: prostaglandin $E_2$, natural killer cell, indomethacin, tumor growth

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