Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1989;29(4):589-599.
Levels of plasma progesterone, estradiol-17β and several serum chemical components in recipients at the time of nonsurgical transfer of frozen/thawed bovine embryos
Byeong-cheon Lee, Choong-ho Jo, Woo-suk Hwang
College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
젖소 동결수정란의 비외과적 이식시 수란우의 혈장 progesterone, estradiol-17β치 및 혈청화학치가 수태율에 미치는 영향
이병천, 조충호, 황우석
서울대학교 수의과대학
A total of 13 synchronized dairy cattle(Holstein) were used to determine pregnancy rates in relation to plasma progesterone, estradiol-$17{eta}$ levels and serum chemical values on the day of last $PGF_{2{alpha}}$ injection and day of frozen/thawed bovine embryo transfer. The pregnancy rate of recipients with 1.0~4.0ng/ml of progesterone levels at the day of last $PGF_{2{alpha}}$ injection was higher than that of recipients with below 1.0ng/ml or above 4.0ng/ml of progesterone levels. On the day of transfer, optimal progesterone levels were between 1.0ng/ml and 4.0ng/ml coinciding with a pregnancy rate of 88.9%. Pregnancy rate decreased when progesterone levels were below 1.0ng/ml(33.3%) or above 4.0ng/ml(0%). Corpus luteum grade did not affect pregnancy rate and this result revealed that manual palpation of corpus luteum was not valid criterion of corpus luteum function. Progesterone levels as well as pregnancy rate did not significantly differ whether the corpus luteum was on the right($1.62{pm}1.33ng/ml$; 63.5%) or left ovary($1.99{pm}0.61ng/ml$; 85.0%). Estradiol-$17{eta}$ levels were not significantly different between pregnant and nonpregnant recipients, but estradiol-$17{eta}$ levels($82.2{pm}13.5$ VS. $72.3{pm}10.1pg/ml$) were higher at below 1.0ng/ml of progesterone, and pregnancy rates(33.3 VS. 80%) tended to be lower than above 1.0ng/ml of progesterone. Total cholesterol levels on the day of last $PGF_{2{alpha}}$ injection and day of transfer did not affect pregnancy rate. Calcium and inorganic phoshorus levels belonged to normal range in most of the recipients. These range did not affect pregnancy rate. In reviewing above results, plasma progesterone levels(1.0~4.0ng/ml) at the time of transfer are diagnostic value for screening recipients prior to transfer of frozen/thawed bovine embryos.
Key Words: progesterone, estradiol-$17{eta}$, embryo transfer, frozen embryos

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