Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1990;30(3):287-295.
Studies on biological characters and plasmid profiles of Escherichia coli isolated from pigs
Soo-kwan Jeong1, Suk-chan Jeong2, Won-pil Choi1
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
2Veterinary Research Institute, Rural Development Administration
돼지 유래 대장균의 생물학적 특성과 plasmid profile에 대하여
정수관1, 정석찬2, 최원필1
1경북대학교 수의과대학
2농촌진흥청 가축위생연구소
The purpose of this study was the examination for presence of pilus antigen, O serogroups, colicin production, antibiotic susceptibility and plasmid profiles among E coli isolated from diarrheal piglets and fattening pigs in Taegu province. Of 145 E coli isolated, 98 strains (67.4%) possesed pilus antigens which belonged to either K88 (47.6%), K99 (11.7%) or 987P (8.3%) types. Fifty-nine strains (40.7%) were classified into tenO serogroups and their types were O8 (22.0%), O20(16.9%), O141(15.3%), O9(10.2%), O45(10.2%), O139(8.5%), O064(6.8%), O149(5.0%), O157(3.4%), and O115(1.7%). Thirty-three strains (22.8%) were colicinogenic and 6 strains (4.1%) were hemolytic. One hundred and thirty-nine strains (95.9%) of 145 E coli isolates were resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, tetracycline, rifampicin and nalidixic acid, alone or in combination thereof. Ninety strains (64.7%) of 139 drug resistant strains carried R factor (R) which were transferable to the recipient by conjugation. In gel electrophoresis for the isolation of plasmid DNA, the number of plasmid DNA band varied from 2 to 11 in 16 E coli with pilus antigen. It's molecular weight ranged from 1.0 to 60.0 megadalton.
Key Words: E coli, pilus, serotype, colicin, plasmid

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