Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1990;30(4):435-440.
Avidin-biotin complex for immunohistochemical diagnosis of Aujeszky's disease and hog cholera
Soon-bok Kim1, Jung-hyang Sur1, Un-gyeong Moon2
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University
2Gyeongnam Provincial Institute of Animal Health
Avidin-biotin 복합체를 이용한 오제스키병과 돼지콜레라의 면역조직화학적 감별진단
김순복1, 서정향1, 문운경2
1경상대학교 수의과대학
2경상남도 가축위생시험소
Ten pigs infected with Aujeszky's disease virus (ADY) or hog cholera virus(HCV) were tested for the detection of virus antigens in frozens or paraffin-embedded sections by avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex(ABC) method. Tonsils, spleens, cerebra and buffy coats were examined for the immunohistochemical test. Where ADV antigen was detected by ABC, a dark brown deposit occurred in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of lymphocytes and macrophages, however, HCV antigen was demonstrated in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. ADV-positive cells were most frequently detected in tonsils and cerebra, whereas, HCV -positive cells were frequently observed in spleens. And buffy coat were also good for both virus detection. The results suggested that ABC method is considered as an excellent and reliable tool for confirmative diagnosis of these viral diseases.
Key Words: avidin-biotin, Aujeszky's disease, hog cholera, immunohistochemical diagnosis

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