Histopathological studies on the influence of mast cell in the growth of rat mammary carcinoma 1. Distribution of mast cell on the development of DMBA-induced mammary carcinoma |
Tae-hwan Kim1, Cha-soo Lee2 |
1Laboratory of Experimental Animal, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University |
Rat mammary carcinoma의 발육(發育)에 있어서 비만세포(肥滿細胞)의 영향(影響)에 관한 병리조직학적(病理組織學的) 연구(硏究) 1. DMBA 투여(投與)에 의한 발암(發癌)과 비만세포(肥滿細胞)의 분포상황(分布狀況) |
김태환1, 이차수2 |
1한국원자력연구소, 부설 원자력병원, 실험동물관리실 2경북대학교, 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
In order to observe the distribution of mast cell on the stages of the mammary carcinogenesis, the numerical changes of mast cells in the mammary tumor development in rats treated with DMBA and compound 48/80 have been investigated by the light microscope. The results observed were summarized as follows: The appearance of tumor were not observed during the whole experimental period in the rats of the control group received injection of sterile saline, but tumors appeared in 100% of the animals, the tumor induction time that represented the number of days elapsing between the 3rd DMBA administration until a first tumor became $10{ imes}10mm$ in diameter was $42.5{pm}4.7$ days and the mean number of tumor masses per rat was $3.4{pm}1.2$ in the DMBA treated group. And the majority of the DMBA-induced mammary neoplasms were appeared cervical mammary gland and thoracic mammary gland. The histological findings of mammary carcinoma were recognized adenocarcinoma in the DMBA treated group. Mast cells were distributed within the adipose tissues and the interglandular connective tissue in the control, but found to be randomly dispersed within the tumor cell masses, in the connective tissues adjacent to the periphery of the tumor, the adipose tissues and the subcutaneous tissues contiguous to the region of tumor development in the DMBA treated group. Numerical alterations of mast cells were observed in the mammary tumors that separated into three major classes of tumors: hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma. The number of mast cells were distributed in the connective tissues adjacent to the mammary gland was $45.3{pm}3.4$ cells in the control group, but was $50.2{pm}4.9$ cells, $126.7{pm}10.5$ cells and $340.3{pm}19.2$ cells according to each stages of mammary tumorigenesis in the DMBA treated group. |
Key Words:
mast cell, mammary tumorigenesis, DMBA |