Further characterization of the causative virus of rabbit viral hepatitis, so-called rabbit haemorrhagic disease in Korea |
Jong-sik Jyeong1, Kyu-sik Jeong2, Cha-soo Lee2, Tae-kyun Shin3 |
1Kyungpook Animal Health Experimental Institute 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University 3Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University |
국내에서 발생한 토끼 바이러스성 간염 소위 토끼 출혈병 바이러스의 성상 |
정종식1, 정규식2, 이차수2, 신태균3 |
1경북가축위생시험소 2경북대학교 수의과대학 3제주대학교 수의학과 |
Abstract |
The causative virus causing rabbit hepatitis has been further characterized by evaluating viral proteins and viral nucleic acids of purified viruses from the liver of the experimentally infected rabbits. Rabbit hepatitis virus has one major structural protein of 54 kilodaltons and some minor proteins. Vrial RNA was resistant to DNAse I. The size of viral nucleic acid of this virus was calculated to be about 7.5 kilobases. These findings indicate that rabbit hepatitis virus belongs to the family Caliciviridae. |
Key Words:
rabbit, hepatitis, calicivirus, viral protein, viral RNA |