Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1992;32(3):451-456.
Classification of the blood groups in Cheju native horses by the antiserum of isoimmunization
Bang-keun Han1, Duk-gi Chang2, Sang-keun Kim3, Hiroshi Matsumoto4
1Cheju Junior College
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
4Rakuno Gakuen University
동종면역항혈청(同種免疫抗血淸)에 의한 제주마(濟州馬) 혈액형(血液型) 분류(分類)
한방근1, 장덕지2, 김상근3, 송본관4
2전남대학교 수의과대학
3충남대학교 수의과대학
4북해도 명농학원대학
Seventeen antiserum identified by stormont method were used for investigation of appearance type of red blood cell in Cheju horse. Phenotype $A_1$, A', Z, $ZZ_2$, C, K, $P_1$, Q, R, S, $U_2$, X and $N_1$ were classified by Hemolytic reaction and agglutination in $E_2$, H, J and $T_1$, Hokkaido horse and Thoroughbred horse were compared with the type of red blood cell. The results obtained are as follows ; 1. According to the appearance frequency of red blood cell the phenotypes could be classified by 6 groups among horses tested; I group : C, $A_1$, $ZZ_2$, $E_2$, S, Q, II : $P_1$, $U_2$, X, III : A', R, IV : $T_1$, K, V : H, J, VI, $N_1$, Z. 2. In group I the type of C, $A_1$ and $ZZ_2$ showed the Similar frequency among horses but the type of $E_2$, S and Q was lower in Cheju horse than Hokkaido and Thoroughbred horse. 3. In group II there was no differences in the type of $P_1$ and among three species, but Thoroughbred horse was lowest as 11.2 percent than Cheju and Hokkaido horse. 4. The type of $U_2$ and X were highest in Cheju and Hokkaido horse but lowest in Thoroughbred horse. 5. The type of A' and R observed higher appearance frequency in Hoklcaido horse but in the Thoroughbred and Cheju horse appearance ratio were Strikingly lowered. 6. The type of $T_1$ and K was shown higher appearance frequency in Cheju and Thoroughbred horse similarily but lowered in Hokkaido horse. 7. In group V the type of H and J showed similarily as 30 to 40 percent in Cheju and Thoroughbred but no observation in Hokkaido horse. 8. The type of $N_1$ and Z which are group VI was great difference between Cheju and Hokkaido horse but higher in Hokkaido than Cheju horse while there was no observation in thoroughbred horse.
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