Immunohistochemical studies of the pancreatic endocrine cells of the various animals |
Jae-hyun Lee1, Hyeung-sik Lee2 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University 2Department of Biology, Kyungsan University |
각종 동물의 췌장 내분비세포의 면역조직화학적 연구 |
이재현1, 이형식2 |
1경북대학교 수의과대학 2경산대학교 생물학과 |
Abstract |
This study was attempted to comparative investigate the types and regional distribution of the endocrine cells in several vertebrates immunohistochemically using seven antisera. From carp pancreas could be observed 4 types which are insulin-, glucagon-, som- and BPP-immunoreactive cells. Insulin-immunoreactive cells were mainly distributed at the periphery and a few cells occupied the central region of the islets. Glucagon-immunoreactive cells were distributed at the periphery of the islets, and som - and BPP-immunoreactive cells were located at the central region. From frog pancreas could be observed 4 types which are insulin-, glucagon-, som- and BPP-immunoreactive cells. Insulin-immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the islets. Som-immunoreactive cells were distributed at the periphery of the islets, and glucagon- and BPP-immunoreactive cells were found as single cell or as small groups located between the pancreatic acini. From snake pancreas could be observed 3 types which are insulin-, glucagon- and som -immunoreactive cells. Insulin-immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the small islets, and they also were scattered at the periphery of the large islets. Glucagon-immunoreactive cells were distributed at the periphery of the islets, whereas som-immunoreactive cells were occupied the central region. From Ogolgae pancreas could be observed 4 types which are insulin-, glucagon-, som-and BPP-immunoreactive cells. Insulin-immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the small islets, but at the periphery of the large one. Glucagon- immunoreactive cells were distributed at the periphery of the small islets and in the large islets showed scattering entired. Som-immunoreactive cells were distributed at the periphery of the small islets and in the large islets were located at the central region. A small numbers of BPP-immunoreactive cells were located at the periphery of the small islets and the exocrine regions. From the pancreas of the Korean native goat could be observed 6 types which are insulin-, glucagon-, som-, BPP-, 5-HT- and porcine-CG-immunoreactive cells. Insulin-immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the islets. Som-immunoreactive cells were located at the periphery of the islets, but a tew were scattered at the central region of islets and in the epithelium of the secretory duct. Glucagon-, BPP-, 5-HT- and porcine CG-immunoreactive cells were distributed at the periphery of the islets. These findings indicated that the regional distribution patterns and cell types of pancreatic endocrine cells in vertebrates varies considerably among phylogenetically different vertebrates. |
Key Words:
pancreatic endocrine cells, vertebrates, islets, pancreatic acini, exocrine regions |