Separation of large DNA molecules by pulsed field gel electrophoresis |
Yi-seok Joo1, Thomas A Casey2, Yong-dhuk Yoon3 |
1Livestock Experiment Station(LES )RDA 2National Animal Disease Center(NADC) ARS 3Veterinary Research Institute(VRI) RDA |
역전장 전기영동장치를 이용한 대형 DNA 분리에 관한 연구 |
주이석1, 2, 윤용덕3 |
1가축시험장 2미국연방 가축위생연구소 3가축위생연구소 |
Abstract |
Gel electrophoresis has proven to be one of the most useful of DNA separation and purification. The new technique of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is high resolution separation of large size DNA moleculs. Conventional continuous gel electrophresis can not be separation of large DNA fragments(20~50 k base). Field inversion gel electrophoresis(FIGE) is very useful for large DNA molecules. We have found that a pulse ratio ; 2 : 1, time ; 24hrs., volts ; $10^{volts}/_{cm}$, start ; 0.45sec, end ; 1sec, is most effectively resolves DNA fragment in the 6~50k base. |
Key Words:
lage DNA, electrophoresis, ${lambda}$ DNA, PEGE, FIGE |