Immunocytochemical identification of Aujeszky's disease viral antigens in nasal and circulating white blood cells from living pigs for early diagnosis |
Oun-kyong Moon1, Hee-tack Cho1, Soon-bok Kim1, Jung-hyang Sur2 |
1Kyongnam Veterinary Service Laboratory 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University |
오제스키병의 생체 조기진단을 위한 돼지 비세포 및 순환백혈구내 면역세포화학적 바이러스 항원동정 |
문운경1, 조희택1, 김순복1, 서정향2 |
1경남가축위생시험소 2경상대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
Forty day old piglets were intranasally inoculated with 2ml of Aujeszky's disease virus (NYJ-1-87 strain, $10^{7.0}$ $TCID_{50/0.2}ml$), and the viral antigens were detected in nasal and circulating white blood cells for 20 days after inoculation by immunocytochemical method. Antibody titers in the blood were also detected by neutralizing test and Aujeszky's disease serodiagnostic kit(Choong Ang) in this periods. 1. Viral antigens were detected by the immunocytochemical technigue, and positive reactions were observated in nasal cells from the 2nd to the l0th days after inoculation and circulated white blood cells from the 4th to the 12th days after inoculation. 2. In neutralization test antibodies levels showed titers of 2 on the 8th day, 8 on the l5th day, 16 on the 18th day and 32 on the 20th day after inoculation. In serodiagnostic kit test positive reactions were observed after the 15th day after inoculation. |
Key Words:
early immunocytochemical diagnosis, Aujeszky's disease virus antigens nasal cell and circulating WBC |