Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1994;34(2):301-306.
Effect of PHA and conditioned medium on blastogenesis and rosette formation of bovine circulating blood lymphocytes
Sei-woong Kang, Chang-yong Yoon, Hee-jong Song
College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
PHA 및 conditioned medium 이 소의 순환혈액 림프구의 유약화와 rosette 형성에 미치는 영향
강세웅, 윤창용, 송희종
전북대학교 수의과대학
This study was planned to estimate the activity of bovine circulating blood lymphocytes using phytohemagglutinin-M(PHA) known as T cell mitogen. Bovine circulating blood mononuclear cells(MNCs) was separated, and cultured with or without macrophage($PHA^+/M{phi}^+$ or $PHA^+/M{phi}^-$) in conditioned medium which stimulated with various concentration of PHA(0, 5, 10, 15 and $20{mu}g/ml$ in medium), and then investigated the blastogenic response and rosette formation of lymphocytes. Blastogenic rate(BR) was especially increased in PHA concentration(10 and $15{mu}g/ml$) of $PHA^+/M{phi}^+$ group and their BR were $41.5{pm}6.8%$ and $44.4{pm}8.9%$, respectively and BR in PHA concentration(15 and $20{mu}g/ml$) of $PHA^+/M{phi}^-$ group was $32.8{pm}6.2%$ and $31.4{pm}4.6%$, respectively. BR of lymphocytes was more increased in $PHA^+/M{phi}^+$ than $PHA^+/M{phi}^-$ group when these cells were stimulated by PHA. Rosette forming rate(RFR) of lymphocytes to SRBC highly increased when SRBC was treated with AET and/or dextran, respectively. On the orther hand, RFR significantly increased more in $PHA^+/M{phi}^+$ and $PHA^+/M{phi}^-$ group than in control group, but when compared with two groups, statistical significancy was recognized only in PHA concentration($15{mu}g/ml$, p<0.026) of $PHA^+/M{phi}^+$ group.
Key Words: peripheral blood lymphocytes, mitogen, blastogenesis, rosette formation, cattle

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