Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1994;34(2):375-379.
Studies on the teratogenicity of folpet in the developing chick embryo
Yoon-kyu Lim1, Gang-joon Heo2, Yong-soon Lee3
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University
2Department of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
계태아를 이용한 농약(folpet)의 기형독성 연구
임윤규1, 허강준2, 이영순3
1제주대학교 농과대학 수의학과
2충북대학교 농과대학 수의학과
3서울대학교 수의과대학
A teratogenicity test of 'folpet' was carried out in the developing chick embryos to investigate and validate the safety of rural environmental hazardous materials. Folpet was administered to chick embryos' yolk sac at a rate of 0.1mg and 0.01mg per SPF eggs at 96 hours of incubation. The morphological changes were examined. Fertility ratio of SPF eggs used was 94.9%. Hatching rate of untreated control group was 74.4% and the group dosed with 100ul of corn oil into the yolk sac was 70.0%. The $LD_{50}$ of folpet was 0.663mg/100ul/egg. After hatching, mean body weight, body length, claw length and beak length of high and low dose administered groups were not significantly different from untreated and vehicle control group. There was no abnormal appearence in all the groups. Therefore it seems that, within the doses applied, folpet dose not induce potential teratogenicity in the developing chick embryos.
Key Words: folpet, teratogenecity, chick embryo

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