Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1995;35(1):75-85.
Seroepidemiological survey on canine distemper, canine parvovirus, canine coronavirus, caninie adenovirus type-2, canine parainfluenzavirus of dogs by indirect immunofluorescent test
Ki-bok Yoon1, Mun-il Kang2, Nam-yong Park2, Dong-un Han2
1Gyeonggi Provincial Government of Health and Environment
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University
간접형광항체법(間接螢光抗體法)에 의한 개의 바이러스-canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, canine coronavirus, canine adenovirus type-2, canine parainfluenzavirus-항체분포 조사
윤기복1, 강문일2, 박남용2, 한동운2
2전남대학교 수의과대학
An indirect immunofluorescent antibody test was applied to survey the antibody prevalence on five canine viruses including canine distempervirus(CDV), canine parvovirus(CPV), canine coronavirus(CCV), canine adenovirus type-2(CAV-2), canine parainfluenzavirus(CPIV) in dogs. The period studied was from October 1992 to June 1993. A total of 80 dog sera was collected from veterinary clinics in Kwangju and Seoul, and examined for the presence of virus antibodies. Immunofluorescent antibodies(IFA) to all viruses were present in a high percentage of 80 sera tested. Seventyfive(93.8%) showed detectable IFA against CPV, 67(83.8%) against CDV, 51(63.8%) against CCV, 42(52.5%) against CPIV and 34(42.5%) against CAV-2. These suggested that all viruses were endemic in the communities. IFA levels against each virus were also distributed fairly irregularly. IFAs for CDV and CPV were detected more frequently with a relatively high incidence in vaccinated group less than 1 years of age. IFAs for CAV-2 were detected more frequently with growing age. In the correlation of clinical signs and antibody prevalence, dogs that showed hematochezia and vomiting had high titers in the positive sera is noteworthy, particularly for CDV and CPV. The significance between dogs those who had diarrhea, dyspnea and salivation and those viruses were obscure.
Key Words: antibody prevalence, distemper virus, parvorvirus, coronavirus, adenovirus type-2, immunofluorescent antibodies
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