Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1995;35(3):537-542.
Antimicrobial drug susceptibility and plasmid profiles of Salmonella species isolated from poultry
Won-yong Kim1, Young-hyo Chang1, Kyoung-yoon Park2, Chul-joong Kim3, Kwang-soon Shin3, Yong-ha Park1
1Korean Collection for Type Cultures Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, KIST
2Bayer Korea Ltd. Animal Health Division
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
가금에서 분리한 Salmonella속 균의 항균물질에 대한 감수성 및 plasmid profile
김원용1, 장영효1, 박경윤2, 김철중3, 신광순3, 박용하1
1한국과학기술연구원 생명공학연구소 유전자은행
2바이엘코리아(주) 동물의약품사업부
3충남대학교 수의과대학
In this study, we aim to find the presence of virulence-related plasmid in Salmonella isolates from poultry, and the difference between S pullorum and S gallinarum on the plasmid profile and antibiotics resistance. We used seventeen isolates of Salmonella spp that were isolated from poultry. Thirteen isolates, S typhimurium(ST), S pullorum(SP) and S gallinarum(SG), contained virulence-related plasmids. These are 95Kd plasmid in ST and 85Kd plasmid in SP and SG. Three(1/4 of ST, 1/1 of SE, and 1/9 of SP) isolates have no detectable plasmids. The isolates of ST have relatively variable plasmid profile but the isolates of S pullorum except No 12(additional 3.0Kb plasmid) have common 85K6, 8.1Kb, 4.0Kb and 2.3Kb plasmid and two of three isolates of S gallinarum have common 85Kb, 4.0Kb and 2.3Kb plasmid but the rest has only 85Kb plasmid. Interestingly, all of the isolates of SP have 8.1Kb plasmid, and same size of plasmid is also found in one of ST isolates. All of the isolates have the resistance to penicillin, chloramphenicol, rifampicin, streptomycin, sulfamethazine and some isolates show the resistance to ampicillin and tetracycline. There is no relatedness between plasmid profile and antibiotics resistance and no differences between SP and SG in antibiotics resistance. Therefore further differentiation of each isolates by restriction enzyme assay and, if possible, charaterization of each plasmid, especially, 8.1Kb plasmid in SP and ST, may be necessary.
Key Words: plasmid profile, Salmonella spp, antibiotic resistance

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