Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1995;35(3):583-593.
Development of diagnostic kit(Test-MT) for the microplate latex agglutination test of toxoplasmosis in animal
Myung-deuk Suh1, Hoo-don Joo2, Daivd Maass3
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University
2Veterinary Research Institute, Rural Development Administration
3Wallaceville Animal Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of New Zealand
Latex 응집반응을 이용한 동물의 톡소플라즈마병 진단용 kit 개발에 관한 연구
서명득1, 주후돈2, 데이빗마-스3
1경상대학교 수의과대학
2농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소
3뉴질랜드 농수산성 왈라스빌 가축위생연구소
The present study was conducted to develop a toxoplasma latex agglutination test antigen(Test-MT) and evaluate the toxoplasma latex agglutination(LA) test using a newly-made "Test-MT kit" by comparing with the Toxo-MT kit(Eiken chemical co, Tokyo). Also, the specifity and sensitivity test were made by comparing with IFA test and IgG-ELISA. Tachyzoite suspensions of Toxoplasma gondii(RH strain) were ultracentrifuged for 30min at $60,000{ imes}g(4^{circ}C)$ and the supernatant was used as a water-lysate antigen. Polystyrene latex particles of $1.0{mu}m$ in diameter(Polyscience co) were used for the preparation of sensitized latex-antigen supension(Test-MT). The frequency distribution of LA titers in Test-MT showed two peaks at <1:32 and 1:128. The borderline titer for positive test in Test-MT was determined to be 1:64. But the frequency distribution of LA tites in Toxo-MT showed two peaks at <1:16 and 1:64. The positive borderline was determined to be 1:32. Agreement of reactions between Test-MT and Toxo-MT kit by LA test was shown 92.5% in bovine sera and 97.0% in swine sera, respectively. From the results obtained here it was determined that the sensitized latex-antigen, Test-MT kit, for the microtiter agglutination test prepared as same as by the procedure described in the previous paper(Suh and Lee, 1993) was useful as a highly specific, sensitive and stable immunotiteration reagent for serodiagnosis of toxoplasma infection in animal sera.
Key Words: canine, toxoplasmosis, latex, protozoan disease

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