Development of diagnostic kit(Test-MT) for the microplate latex agglutination test of toxoplasmosis in animal |
Myung-deuk Suh1, Hoo-don Joo2, Daivd Maass3 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University 2Veterinary Research Institute, Rural Development Administration 3Wallaceville Animal Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of New Zealand |
Latex 응집반응을 이용한 동물의 톡소플라즈마병 진단용 kit 개발에 관한 연구 |
서명득1, 주후돈2, 데이빗마-스3 |
1경상대학교 수의과대학 2농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소 3뉴질랜드 농수산성 왈라스빌 가축위생연구소 |
Abstract |
The present study was conducted to develop a toxoplasma latex agglutination test antigen(Test-MT) and evaluate the toxoplasma latex agglutination(LA) test using a newly-made "Test-MT kit" by comparing with the Toxo-MT kit(Eiken chemical co, Tokyo). Also, the specifity and sensitivity test were made by comparing with IFA test and IgG-ELISA. Tachyzoite suspensions of Toxoplasma gondii(RH strain) were ultracentrifuged for 30min at $60,000{ imes}g(4^{circ}C)$ and the supernatant was used as a water-lysate antigen. Polystyrene latex particles of $1.0{mu}m$ in diameter(Polyscience co) were used for the preparation of sensitized latex-antigen supension(Test-MT). The frequency distribution of LA titers in Test-MT showed two peaks at <1:32 and 1:128. The borderline titer for positive test in Test-MT was determined to be 1:64. But the frequency distribution of LA tites in Toxo-MT showed two peaks at <1:16 and 1:64. The positive borderline was determined to be 1:32. Agreement of reactions between Test-MT and Toxo-MT kit by LA test was shown 92.5% in bovine sera and 97.0% in swine sera, respectively. From the results obtained here it was determined that the sensitized latex-antigen, Test-MT kit, for the microtiter agglutination test prepared as same as by the procedure described in the previous paper(Suh and Lee, 1993) was useful as a highly specific, sensitive and stable immunotiteration reagent for serodiagnosis of toxoplasma infection in animal sera. |
Key Words:
canine, toxoplasmosis, latex, protozoan disease |