Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1996;36(1):39-49.
Neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons in corpus striatum of the Korean squirrel(sciurus vulgalis coreae)
Young-gil Jeong1, Nam-seob Lee1, Byung-hwa Hyun2, Chul-ho Lee2, Yang-seok Oh2, Moo-kang Kim3, Moo-ho Won1
1College of Medicine, Konyang University
2Genetic Resoueces Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
청서 뇌 줄무늬체에서 neuropeptide Y 면역반응신경세포의 분포
정영길1, 이남섭1, 현병화2, 이철호2, 오양석2, 김무강3, 원무호1
1건양대학교 의관대학
2KIST 생명공학연구소 유전자원센터
3충남대학교 수의과대학
The present study was performed to investigate the distribution of neuropeptide Y immunoreactivities in the corpus striatum of the Korean squirrels. The animals were perfused with 4%-paraformaldehyde and the brain was cut serially into $40{mu}m$ thick coronal sections. Sections either were stained with cresyl violet or were stained immunohistochemically. The corpus striatum was divided into the caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus. Anterior part. however, of the striatum was observed as the combined caudate-putamen. NPY immunoreactive (NPY-IR) neurons were medium-sized. The corpus striatum contained a low level of NPY-IR fibers, whose distribution appeared to be related to the immunoreactive perikarya. Large numbers of NPY-IR neurons in the caudate-putamen and caudate nucleus were expressed in medial and ventral parts. In the anterior part of the putamen NPY-IR neurons were scattered throughout the nucleus; in posterior part were found generally in the lateral and ventral parts. The density of NPY-IR fibers of the putamen were low, whose distribution appeared to be related to the perikarya. The globus pallidus contained NPY-IR fibers only in the lowest density. In brief, NPY-immunoreactivities in the corpus striatum are heterogenous in distribution. These findings may reflect innate characteristics of the specific neural circuit in the corpus striatum itself.
Key Words: neuropeptide Y, immunohistochemistry, corpus striatum, Korean squirrel

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