Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1996;36(2):417-428.
Pathological changes on rats and mice fed with Petasites japonicus Maxim I. Macroscopical and histopathological observations
Young-heun Jee, Cha-soo Lee
College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
머위(Petasites japonicus maxim)를 급여한 rat와 mouse에 대한 병리학적 관찰 I. 육안적 및 병리조직학적 관찰
지영흔, 이차수
경북대학교 수의과대학
In order to know the toxic effect and carcinogenic activity in rats and mice fed with juice of Korean native Petasites japonicus Maxim of its pellet(4% or 8%) which were dried, milled and mixed with basal diet, the investigations were carried out by macroscopy and histopathology. Macroscopically, although remarkable changes were not observed in the liver of mice, there were slight to moderate swelling of rat livers in the whole groups at 12 to 14 weeks after feeding and milky spots in rats fed with its juice and 8% pelleted Petasites japonicus Maxim diet and a normal diet for 1 week alternatively for 14 weeks. Moreover, moderate to severe swelling and milk spots were recognized in livers of all rats fed with its juice and 8% pellet or 8% pelleted Petasites japonicus Maxim for 16 weeks. But, in cases of rats fed with its juice and 4% pellet or 4% pelleted Petasites japonicus Maxim, only swelling of livers was recognized moderately or severely. Histopathologically, major lesions were found in livers of both rats and mice. There were congestion, hemorrhage, fatty change, focal necrosis, megalocytosis and hyperplasia of endothelial cell in livers of mice and rats, the additional lesions such as proliferation of bile duct and nodular regeneration with diffuse regenerating cells were seen in livers of rats. In addition, preneoplastic lesions, the areas of milky spots macroscopically, were observed in livers of rats fed with Petasites japonicus Maxim for 14 to 16 weeks. In a few cases, haemangioendothelial sarcoma in livers was detected in rats fed with Petasites japonicus Maxim for 16 weeks. Petasites japonicus maxim growing naturally in Korea seem to exhibit toxic effect especially in liver and it contained a causative agent of primary liver tumors.
Key Words: Petasites japonicus Maxim, macroscopy, histopathology, rat liver, hyperplasia, preneoplastic lesion

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