Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1996;36(2):429-440.
Histopathological observation on the uterus and ovary of rats and mice treated with Ivermectin
Yoo-joung Cho, Cha-soo Lee
College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
Ivermectin을 투여한 rat와 mouse의 자궁 및 난소에 대한 병리조직학적 관찰
조유정, 이차수
경북대학교 수의과대학
In order to know morphological changes on the female genital organs by Ivermectin(IVM) administration, the histopathological observation was carried out in the organs of rat and mouse treated with the overdose of IVM. In the microscopical findings of the uterus, there were many mitotic figures, epithelial hyperplasia and papillary foldings in the endometrial surface. The increased prevalance of uterine glands, uterine epithelia and glands hyperplasia were markedly presented on diverse patterns adenoma-like structure and single nodular or multiple polyp-like adenoma. In ovary, primary and mature follicles were decreased in number, and hypoplasia of ovarian follicles, atretic follicles, follicular cysts and ovarian atropy were observed. It was considered that IVM administration resulted in follicular hypoplasia and atropy of ovary, and hyperplasia of uterine gland and endometrial surface epithelium might be transformed to neoplasia of glandular structures.
Key Words: Ivermectin, uterus, histopathology, hyperplasia, adenoma

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