Effects of follicle size and oocyte diameter on in vitro nuclear maturation of Korean native cattle oocyte |
Hwan-yul Yong1, Hyun-il Kim1, Eun-song Lee2, Byeong-chun Lee1, Woo-suk Hwang1 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University 2obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine |
난포크기 및 난자직경과 관련된 한우 체외배양 난자의 핵성숙에 관한 연구 |
용환율1, 김현일1, 이은송2, 이병천1, 황우석1 |
1서울대학교 수의과대학 2일본대광축산대학 육축증식학연구실 |
Abstract |
The present study was undertaken to establish a relationship between bovine follicle size and oocyte diameter, compare the nuclear maturation competence of oocytes of different diameter groups and the nuclear maturation changes in Korean Native Cattle according to in vitro maturation period. To compare the relationship between follicle size and oocyte diameter, follicles were dissected, measured, and assigned to one of the following size categories($4{geq}mm$, 3-4mm, 2-3mm, 1-2mm, and < 1mm), investigate the maturation competence in the different-sized oocytes, which were divided into three groups( < $110{mu}m$, 110 - < $120{mu}m$, and ${geq}120{mu}m$). Oocytes were cultured in the culture medium during 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24hrs, respectively, stained, and measured the nuclear maturation degree according to period. When compared the relationship between follicle size and intrafollicular oocyte diameter, oocyte diameters of three groups of ${geq}3mm$ follicle-sized were significantly higher than < 3mm (p<0.01). After in vitro maturation, the rates reached to MI stage of < $110{mu}m$ oocyte groups(25%) was higher than $110-120{mu}m$ and ${geq}120{mu}m$ oocyte groups(11 and 10%) reached to the same stage(p<0.01), and the rates throughout MII stage of $110-120{mu}m$ and ${geq}120{mu}m$ and < $110{mu}m$(70 and 76%) groups were higher than < $110{mu}m$(35%)(p<0.01). When nuclear maturation rates were measured according to period, < 6hr groups(7 and 10%) showed lower rates reached to MI than ${geq}12hr$ groups(100%), 24hr groups(76%) revealed higher rates throughout MII than 18hr groups(40%). These results indicate that the preparation of oocyte for the production of in vitro fertilization embryos and nuclear transplantation ones could be adapted, as follicle increased up to appointed size there was a corresponding increase in oocyte diameter, and differences of nuclear maturation rate revealed according to oocyte diameter and maturation period. |
Key Words:
Korea native cattle, follicle size, oocyte diameter, nuclear maturation, IVM |