Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1997;37(2):451-456.
Studies on the electrophoretic analysis of serum protein in Korean native calves
Heung-seop Kim, Joo-mook Lee, Oh-deog Kwon, Jin-ho Park, Sang-youel Park, Sung-ok Lee
College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
한우(韓牛) 송아지의 혈청단백분획(血淸蛋白分劃)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김홍섭, 이주묵, 권오덕, 박진호, 박상열, 이승옥
전북대학교 수의과대학
120 heads of korean native calves were examined of serum protein by using cellulose acetate electrophoresis. During 20 days since the calves were purchased, serum protein, fibrinogen values and plasma : fibrinogen ratio were examined in the calves with respiratory and diarrheal disease. The result obtained in this investigation were as follows : 1. Among the 120 heads of calves that were purchased from market, 14 heads(22%) of calves were occurred respiratory disease, and 12 heads(20%) of calves are occurred diarrhea. Occurrence of respiratory disease was 14.5(4~20) days in average and diarrhea was 9.6(2-15) days after they had been purchased. 2. Serum protein fraction were analyzed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis. ${eta}-globulin$, A/G ratio and ${eta}_2-globulin$ values were decreased in the calves with respiratory disease. Especially, ${eta}_2-globulin$ were significantly decreased. In calves with diarrhea, there was no change in ${eta}-globulin$ values. ${eta}_2-globulin$ values were higher than that of the normal and respiratory diseased calves. 3. ${alpha}-globulin$ values were increased in both of calves with diarrhea and respiratory disease. This tendency was due to increase ${alpha}_2-globulin$ values. 4. The $gamma$-globulin value of calves with diarrhea was the lowest among the 3 groups. 5. The total protein values of normal calves were $7.0{pm}1.1g/dl$ and that of respiratory and diarrheal diseased calves were $6.9{pm}0.9g/dl$ and $6.6{pm}0.8g/dl$, respectively. Total protein value of calves with diarrhea was lower than that of normal and respiratory diseased calves. Globulin value of calves with diarrhea was the lowest among them. The low value of total protein in diarrheal diseased calves was due to decrease globulin values. 6. The fibrinogen values of calves with respiratory disease ($643{pm}189mg/dl$) were significantly higher than that of normal calves($533{pm}135mg/dl$) and calves with diarrhea($572{pm}188mg/dl$). The plasma : fib. ratio of respiratory diseased calves was $12.0{pm}4.9$, normal calves was $13.8{pm}3.5$ and diarrheal diseased calves was $12.8{pm}4.6$. The ratio of the calves with respiratory disease was significantly decreased.
Key Words: calves, serum protein, electrophoretic

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