Immunotherapy in calves experimentally infected with cryptosporidium parvm |
Sung-hwan Wee1, Hoo-don Joo1, Chung-gil Lee2, Jong-taek Kim3, Yung-bai Kang4 |
1Research Coordination Division, Research Management Bureau, RDA 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University 3Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Kangwon National University 4National Veterinary Research Institute |
크립토스포리디움에 실험적으로 감염된 송아지의 면역요법 |
위성환1, 주후돈1, 이정길2, 김종택3, 강영배4 |
1농촌진흥청 연구관리국 2전남대학교 수의과대학 3강원대학교 부속동물병원 4수의과학연구소 |
Abstract |
To determine the efficacy of immunotherapeutic agents, four female Holstein calves 7-day-old were inoculated per os with $1{ imes}10^7$ C parvum oocysts (VRI-CN91). Each calf received twice daily oral dosage of 200-500ml of the immune bovine serum, immune bovine colostrum, mAb C6, and phosphate-buffered saline, respectively. Treatment was initiated 4 days postinfection and laster 3 days. The clinical sign of the calf treated with phosphate-buffered saline lasted 9 days after the initial treatment. The calves treated with those immunotherapeutic agents, however, showed decreased severity of diarrhea at day 3, 2, 5 after the initial administration, respectively. The calves treated with immunotherapeutic agents showed reduced parasite loads compared to control calf. These results suggest that oral passive immunotherapy with immune bovine colostrum and immune bovine serum may be a useful treatment approach. |
Key Words:
Crytosporidium parvum, calf, immunotherapy, Korea |