Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1998;38(3):559-564.
Rapid diagnosis of experimental listeriosis in mice by polymerase chain reaction
Ho-jo Kang1, Seong-mi Lee1, Ju-myoung Suk2, Deog-kyu Lee3, Won-geun Son4
1College of Veterinary Medicine Gyeonsang National University
2Institute of Animal Medicine, Gyeongsang Natinal University
3Masan Junior College
4Health Canada, Animal Disease Research Institute, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
중합효소연쇄반응을 이용한 실험적 리스테리아 감염증의 신속진단
강호조1, 이성미1, 석주명2, 이덕규3, 손원근4
1경상대학교 수의과대학
2경상대학교 동물의학연구소
3마산전문대학 방사선과
4캐나다 식품검사국
The polymerase chain reaction(PCR) assay was used for rapid diagnosis from blood and organ samples experimentally infected with Listeria monocytogenes. This method used a pair of primers based on a unique region in the 16S rRNA sequence of L monocytogenes. Procedure A was based on dilution of the blood sample followed by lysis of bacterial cell and direct analysis of the lysate with PCR. In artificially infected blood samples with L monocytogenes, it was possible to detect fewer than 40 cells per ml of blood. However, L monocytogenes was detected low rates on infected organs by the direct PCR. In procedure B, enrichment cultivation was used to increase numbers of bacteria before lysis and PCR. L monocytogenes was detected from 23 samples of 24 liver and spleen, respectively, and 18 samples of 24 blood were found to be positive by PCR on a subset of 72 organ samples, whereas L monocytogenes were detected on 63 organ samples in classical culture technique. It was required to analyze including enrichment steps were 6h and 18h on the procedure A and B, respectively.
Key Words: Listeria monocytogenes, experimental listeriosis, polymerase chain reaction, rapid diagnosis

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