Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1998;38(4):679-685.
Biological indicator on radiation exposure using apoptosis in adult and newborn mice
Heon Oh1, Song-eun Lee1, Jung-ah Yang1, Kyu-shik Jeong2, Byung-hwa Hyun2, Sung-ho Kim1
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University
2Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
성숙 및 신생마우스에서 아포프토시스를 이용한 방사선 피폭의 생물학적 지표
오헌1, 이송은1, 양정아1, 정규식2, 현병화2, 김성호1
1전남대학교 수의과대학
We have studied, by a nonisotopic in situ DNA end-labeling (ISEL) technique, frequency of apoptosis in the external granular layer (EGL) of the cerebellum after whole-body irradiation of newborn mice and intestinal crypt cell of adult mice by gamma-rays from $^{60}Co$. The extent of changes following 2 Gy(10.9 Gy/min) was studied at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24h after exposure. The maximal frequency was found 4-8h after exposure. The mice that received 0.18, 0.36, 0.54, 1.08, 1.98, or 3.96 Gy were examined 6h after irradiation. Measurements performed after irradiation showed a dose-related increase in apoptotic cells in each of the mice studied. The dose-response curves were analyzed by a linear-quadratic model; frequency(%) of apoptotic cell in the newborn mice cerebellum was ($13.49{pm}1.175$)D+$(-1.52{pm}0.334)D^2$+0.048($r^2=0.981$, D = dose in Gy) and frequency(number per crypt) of apoptotic cell in the intestinal crypt of adult mice was ($3.857{pm}0.420$)D+$(-0.535{pm}0.120)D^2$+0.155($r^2=0.952$, D = dose in Gy). It provides the basis required for a better understanding of results which will be obtained in any further studies for biological responses of radiation using newborn and adult mice.
Key Words: irradiation, apoptosis, cerebellum, intestine crypt, adult, newborn, mouse

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