Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1999;39(5):995-1005.
Distribution and characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus subtypes isolated from dairy herds
Jong-hyun Yoo, Hee-myung Park, Tae-ho Oh, Dae-ho Sohn, Hong-ryul Han
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
젖소 목장에서 분리된 황색포도상구균의 아형 분포와 특성
유종현, 박희명, 오태호, 손대호, 한홍율
서울대학교 수의과대학 내과학교실
Staphylococcus aureus is one of most prevalent intramammary pathogens and have characteristics which are not easily eradicated. Recently, to understand the sources and transmission of S aureus, many studies have focused on the subtyping of field isolate. This study was preformed to investigate the distribution pattern and characteristics of the isolates using phenotyping and genotyping. Samples were collected from milk of each udder, cow bodies (perianal region, vagina, tail, udder skin, sole) and environment (floor, liner, milker's hands, water, towel, insect) from 6 herds located in Kyung-gi province. Forty five strains of S aureus were isolated from 3 dairy herds (A, B, C) and were typed by hemolytic pattern, antibiotic resistant pattern, enterotoxin typing and PCR-based DNA fingerprinting. Slime productivity was also compared by each subtype to examine potential infectiousness. Of 45 strains, 41 were isolated from milk samples and 4 were isolated from liners. No strains isolated in the bodies and environment. Forty five strains isolated were classified as 18 subtypes by phenotyping and genotyping. There was common subtype between A and B herd, but the subtype of C herd showed different pattern. Among predominant subtypes, 60% of S aureus strain isolated from A and B herd showed subtype I and 50% of S aureus strain isolated from C herd belonged to subtype VI and X II. Neither somatic cell count (SCC) nor slime production was significantly different between predominant and minor subtypes. In summary, the study revealed that liners play more important roles in the mode of transmission than environmental sources. Several subtypes can be found in a herd, only a few subtype, however, was largely associated with the majority of infection.
Key Words: Staphylococcus aureus, mastitis, muliplex PCR toxin typing, PCR-based DNA fingerprinting, somatic cell count

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