Primary hypothyroidism in Jindo dog |
Tae-ho Oh, Hee-myung Park |
College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University |
진도견에서 발생한 후천성 갑상선 기능저하증 |
오태호, 박희명 |
서울대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
A four-year-old female Jindo dog was admitted to the hospital because of bilaterally symmetrical alopecia and inappentence. Systemic abnomalities detected on physical examination were obesity, bradycardia, exercise intolerance, mental dullness and hypothermia. Dermatologically symmetrical alopecia on the back, trunk and dorsal tail, and ventral hyperpigmentation were observed. Also face was very tragic. The level of basal $T_4$ was 0.01ug/dl. In TSH stimulation test $fT_4$ value was 0.08ng/dl. After treatment was initiated with L-thyroxine the dog's general condition was improved at 4 weeks. |
Key Words:
Jindo dog, primary hypothyroidism |