Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(1):94-100.
Etiological and epidemiological features of canine dermatitis
Won-pil Choi1, Soon-il Lee2, Keun-woo Lee1
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
2Taegu Research Institute of Public Health and Environment
개 피부병의 병인학적 및 역학적 특성 연구
최원필1, 이순일2, 이근우1
1경북대학교 수의과대학
2대구광역시 보건환경연구원
This study was carried out to determine the causative agent and the epidemiological features of canine dermatitis in Tae-gu, Korea from 1997 to 1998. Specimens of collected from skin lesions were examined mycologically, parasitologically and bacteriologically. In all, 70 dogs of differing ages, gender and living environment were sampled. In mycological examination during this period, pathogenic fungi were cultured from 29(41.3%) of 70 canine specimens. Dermatophytes were cultured from 15(21.4%) and Malassezia pachydermatis were 14(20.0%) of the specimens. The frequent dermatophytes isolated were Microsporum canis (12.9%). Trichophyton mentagrophytes (4.3%), T rubrum (2.9%), T raubitschekii and M gypseum (each 1.4%). There was a high proportion of positive cultures from dogs less than 1 year and over than 3 years of age, and in some long haired breeds, but there was no significant difference between the sexes, and the living environments. Although dermatophytes were more frequently isolated in spring and winter, no significant difference was detected in the seasonal distribution of the canine dermatophytosis. Out of 70 dogs, dermatitis ectoparasites(27.1%; Demodex canis 18.6% and Sarcoptes scabie 8.6%) and bacterial pyoderma(40.4%) were diagnosed. Demodex canis and Sarcoptes scabie were common canine ectoparasites, with a higher incidence in short haired breeds and in summer and winter. Bacterial pyoderma was a higher incidence in long haired breeds, and in summer. In the pathogenic agents isolated from 57 dogs(81.4%), single infection rate was 66.7%(38 dogs) and mixed infection rate was, 35.1%(19 dogs). In the majority of mixed infection cases, Gram positive cocci and Malassezia pachydermatis (in 5 cases, 8.8%), as well as ectoparasites(in 6 cases, 10.5%) were demonstrated simultaneously.
Key Words: canine dermatitis, dermatophytosis, epidemiology, canine ectoparasites, pyoderma

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