Study for comparison with male & female rat locus coeruleus using confocal laser scanning microscopy |
Il-kwon Park1, Chi-won Song1, Kyung-youl Lee1, Hyo-jung Kwon1, Moo-kang Kim1, Kang-iee Lee2, Young-gil Jeong3, Nam-seob Lee3, Kwon-soo Ha4 |
1Department of History, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University 2College of Oriental Medicine, Taejon University 3Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine Gonyang University 4Korea Basic Science Institute |
공초점현미경을 이용한 암수 흰쥐 청색반점의 비교연구 |
박일권1, 송치원1, 이경열1, 권효정1, 김무강1, 이강이2, 정영길3, 이남섭3, 하권수4 |
1충남대학교 수의과대학 조직학교실 2대전대학교 한의과대학 3건양대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 4기초과학자원연구소 |
Abstract |
The locus coeruleus(LG) is known to be observed a sexual dimorphism in rat CNS. LC is the largest collections of norepinephrine(NE)-containing neurons in the mammalian brain. Especially in rat, all LC neurons contained NE unlike other mammalians, so that specific reactions were found in the tyrosine-hydroxylase(TH) immunoreactive neurons. Sexual dimorphism of rat LC has affected by genes before sex hormone appeared, thereafter affected by sex hormones. In these day, many scientists founded morphological differences between male and female LC morphology, but differences of entire structure was not founded. Thus we investigated sex differences of the LC neuron's morphology in rat by three-dimensional(3-D) reconstruction using Confocal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM). We reported that neuron's shape was relatively-large multipolar neurons and neuron's processes in dorsal LC proceeded to ventral direction in the male and female rat. Male had a longer anterior-posterior length than female had in dorsal LC. In addition to middle-LC, male rat's LC had a more thicker posterior region but had not viewed in a previous study. In reverse, female rat's LC had a thicker anterior region like a previous study. This results using 3-D reconstruction by CLSM showed that the male's LC was more wide-ranging than female's relatively. |
Key Words:
locus coeruleus, sexual dimorphism, confocal microscopy, norepinephrine, rat |