Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(3):463-470.
Tracing study for the rabbit eye ball control nerve utilizing the PRV-Ba isolated in the Korea
Il-kwon Park1, Moo-kang Kim1, Kwang-soon Shin1, Kyung-youl Lee1, Chi-won Song1, Kang-iee Lee2, Byung-hwa Hyun3, Kyu-tae Chang3, Young-gil Jeong4
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
2College of Oriental Medicine, Taejon University
3Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology
4College of Medicine, Gonyang University
한국분리산 PRV-Ba를 이용한 가토 안구지배신경의 추적 연구
박일권1, 김무강1, 신광순1, 이경열1, 송치원1, 이강이2, 현병화3, 장규태3, 정영길4
1충남대학교 수의과대학
2대전대학교 한의과대학
4건양대학교 의과대학
Until now peudorabies virus(PRV) has been used a neurotracer, because of it's properties of retrograde & anterograde transport. But it's anterograde transfort is not perfect, so we tested the applicability of the Bartha strain of PRV(PRV-Ba) isolated from South Korea as a neurotracer in the visual system. We performed immunohistochemical study of the rabbit brain after intravitreal injection of the PRV-Ba. After given survival time(24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144hrs), the brain was removed and processed immunohistochemical stain for PRV-Ba. The strong PRV immunoreactivity(PRV-ir) were almost oberserved contralaterally in oculomotor neurons, fro example Edinger-Westphal nucleus, trigerminal nucleus of pons and peritrigerminal zone but locus of innervating sensitive neurons. The latter were weak positive and selective. PRV-Ba immunoreactive neurons were stained strongly in nucleus compared to cytoplasm. This study suggests that PRV-Ba isolated from South Korea is also a useful neurotracer in the motor innervated system like other PRV-strain.
Key Words: pseudorabies, rabbit, eye, neurotracer, South Korea
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