Effects of hyperbaric oxygen and α-tocopherol on full-thickness skin grafts in rats |
Jong-shu Kim1, Chung-hul Kim2, Gon-sup Kim1, Dae-sik Hah3, Sun-gun Park4, Yang-mi Kim5 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyungsang National University(Institute of Animal Medicine) 2Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, In-Je University 3Gyeongnam Provincial Government Institute of Health and Environment 4Department of Plastic Surgery, College of Medicine, Gyungsang National University 5Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Chicago Medical School, Finch University of Health Sciences |
쥐(rats)의 full-thickness skin grafts에 대한 hyperbaric oxygen과 α-tocopherol의 효과 |
김종수1, 김충희2, 김곤섭1, 하대식3, 박성근4, 김양미5 |
1경상대학교 수의과대학 2인제대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 3경상남도 보건환경연구원 4경상대학교 의과대학 성형외과 5미국 Chicago 의과대학 생물학교실 |
Abstract |
To document that effects of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) and ${alpha}-tocopherol$ on full-thickness skin grafts in rat, we performed full-thickness skin grafts bilaterally on each rats. The HBO-treated rats were received HBO twice daily for 90 minutes at 2 ATA. Surgical control rats were not treated with HBO. ${alpha}-tocopherol$ treated rats were received the agent via oral gastric tube daily for 3 days preoperative and a fourth dose 1 to 2 hours postoperative. HBO plus ${alpha}-tocopherol$ treated rats were received HBO and ${alpha}-tocopherol$ as mentioned above. Biopsy specimens were taken from each rat at the time of grafting and on days 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28, then were processed for tissue-concentration of total glutathione(GSHt), oxidized/reduced glutathione level, and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance(TBARS) levels. The percentage of viable graft on day 10 ranged from 67 to 93%, and was not significantly different among the each other groups. The percentage of viable graft were, however, higher in HBO plus ${alpha}-tocopherol$ treated rats(78.6%) than in HBO alone treated rats(59.1%), ${alpha}-tocopherol$ alone treated rats(66.7%) and surgical control rats(58.2%). TBARS concentration had a significant increase from preoperative concentration at day 2, and peak concentration at day 4(p<0.01). Concentration then decreased to preoperative concentration at day 28. GSHt concentration of free skin graft had a similar patteren of change in four groups and decreased significantly from preoperative concentration at day 2, returning to preoperative concentration by day 7(surgical control, HBO-treated, and ${alpha}-tocopherol-treated$, alone) and 28(HBO plus ${alpha}-tocopherol-treated$). Percentage of the concentration of reduced glutathione decreased in surgical control, HBO-treated and, ${alpha}-tocopherol-treated$(p<0.05), and HBO plus ${alpha}-tocopherol-treared$(p<0.01) on day 7 after surgery, whereas the concentration of oxidized increased significantly in HBO-treated(p<0.05), ${alpha}-tocopherol-treated$(p<0.05), and HBO plus ${alpha}-tocopherol-treated$(p<0.01). |
Key Words:
full-thickness skin grafts, hyperbaric oxygen, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance, oxidized/reduced glutathione, total glutathione |