Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(4):665-670.
Morphological study on suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Korean native goat
Seung-hoon Song, Heungshik S. Lee, In-se Lee, In-koo Hwang, Choong-hyun Lee
College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University
한국재래산양 시각교차위핵에 관한 형태학적 연구
송승훈, 이흥식, 이인세, 황인구, 이충현
서울대학교 수의과대학 및 농생명공학부
The present study was undertaken to investigate the morphological characteristics of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the Korean native goat by cresyl violet stain. The SCN was located ventrolateral to the third ventricle and dorsal to the optic chiasm. This nucleus was showed carrot form in longitudinal section. Its size was 1.8 mm in length, 0.9 mm in maximum height and 1.6 mm in maximum width. In coronal sections, the SCN shaped very thin plate in rostral part, but it was changed to sweet-potato form in middle part, and ornamental jade form in caudal part. The size of SCN was larger in caudal part than in rostral part. The size of the neuron of SCN was about $10{mu}m$ in diameter with round or oval shape. The boundary of SCN was not firmly defined in caudal part because the neurons were dispersed into the hypothalamic region. It is concluded that the SCN of the Korean native goat has a morphological characteristics.
Key Words: suprachiasmatic nucleus, cresyl violet staining, Korean native goat

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