Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2001;41(1):37-42.
Effects of far infrared radiological materials on immune response and changes of fecal microorganism in pigs
Ki-bum Kwon1, In-ho Kim1, Jong-wook Hong1, Tea-hyun Moon2, Sang-yul Choi2, Ho-bong Seok1
1Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University
2Easy Bio System
돼지에 있어 원적외선 방사물질의 첨가가 면역반응 및 분중 미생물의 변화에 미치는 영향
권기범1, 김인호1, 홍종욱1, 문태현2, 최상열2, 석호봉1
1단국대학교 동물자원과학과
2이지 바이오 시스템
This research was conducted to investigate the effects of far infrared radiological materials on growth performance, immune response and changes of microbial flora in feces for growing pigs. Twelve growing pigs($Duroc{ imes}Yorkshire{ imes}Landrace$, average initial body weight of $15.6{pm}0.5kg$) were used in a 40 day growth assay. Treatments were control(saline injection with diet: S); saline injection with Bio-Plus in diet(SBP); and vaccination with Bio-Plus in diet(VBP) in a randomized complete block design with initial BW as the blocking criterion. Serum concentrations of IgG of SBP and VBP were higher than those of S at day 10(p<0.05), 20(p<0.05), 30(p<0.05) and 40(p<0.05). Pigs fed with treatment diets had increased lymphocyte level compared to S at day 20(p<0.05) and 40(p<0.05). Cortisol was lower in treatments than in S at day 30(p<0.05). At day 20, there was no significant difference in E. coli among the treatments. However, it was observed that E, coli of the treatments was decreased compared to S at day 40(p<0.01). Lactobacillus of SBP was significantly higher(p<0.05) than that of S at day 40. In conclusion, the results of the experiment suggest that far infrared radiological materials could be a very beneficial immune response for growing pigs in health aspects.
Key Words: Pig, infrared radiological materials, immune response, microorganism

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