Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2001;41(3):281-285.
Structures of hemal nodes and hemolymph nodes in sheep
Cheol-beom Park1, Je-kyung Seong2, In-se Lee1, Heungshik S. Lee1, Joon-sup Lee1, Yeo-sung Yoon1
1College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University
2Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, College of Medicine, Yonsei University
면양의 혈절과 혈림프절의 구조
박철범1, 성제경2, 이인세1, 이흥식1, 이준섭1, 윤여성1
1서울대학교 수의과대학
2연세대학교 의과대학 임상의학연구센터 실험동물부
This study was performed to investigate the gross anatomical features and microscopical structures of the hemal nodes and the hemolymph nodes in the sheep. The hemal nodes and hemolymph nodes were observed mainly in periphery of the thoracic and abdominal aortae of the animals. The size of hemal nodes was generally smaller than that of the hemolymph nodes, and the shape of the both organs was spherical or ovoid. The color of the hemal nodes was red, while that of the hemolymph nodes was grary with red bands. The hemal nodes were surrounded by a relatively thick connective tissue capsule and there were extensive subcapsular sinuses distended by a great number of erythrocytes. Although a few number of lymphatic nodules and small areas of diffuse lymphatic tissues were observed in the parenchyma, no typical cortex and medulla were defined in the hemal node. Small numbers of blood vessels were found at the connective tissue capsule but lymph vessel was not observed microscopically in this organ. The hemolymph nodes were covered by a relatively thick connective tissue capsule and there was a hilus in each node. The parenchyma was divided into cortex and medulla. The cortex was composed of a few numbers of lymphatic nodules and some diffuse lymphatic tissues. The medulla comprised medullary sinuses and cords. Afferent and efferent lymph vessels were observed at the periphery of the capsule adn the hilus, respectively. The subcapsular and medullary sinuses were not extensive but filled with small numbers of erythrocytes. The stroma of hemal node and hemolymph node was composed of reticular cells and fibers, and the capsule and trabecula consisted of collagenous fibers with smooth muscle fibers.
Key Words: sheep, hemal node, hemolymph node, histology

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