Skeleton formation of mouse fetus |
Bora Kim1, Seung-hyun Oh1, Yeo-sung Yoon2, Je Kyung Seong1 |
1Dept. of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine 2Dept. of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center |
마우스 태자의 골격 형성 |
김보라1, 오승현1, 윤여성2, 성제경1 |
1연세대학교 의과대학 임상의학연구센터 2서울대학교 수의과대학 조직학교실 |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to observe the bone and cartilage formation of mouse fetuses. Mouse litters were sacrificed at pregnant 14th and 18th day and examined for gross skeletal formation using cartilage and bone staining. We identified well developed cartilage formation at the 14th pregnant day in mouse fetus. However mouse fetus at the 14th pregnant day did not show any part of bone formation. At 18th pregnant day, mouse fetus showed well developed body shape and bone and cartilage formation. This results will provide basic information for the evaluation of mouse malfromation and impairment of skeleton formation. Further study will be needed for exact explanation of bone formation from cartilage portion. |
Key Words:
mouse, fetus, skeleton formation, bone, cartilage |