Studies on health management and nutritional evaluation by milk components analysis in Holstein cows IV. The relationship between milk composition from the first test within 35 days in milk and displaced abomasum in a large dairy herd of high yielding Hol |
Jin-san Moon1, Chang-ho Son2, Yi-seok Joo1, Hyun-mi Kang1, Gum-chan Jang1, Jong-man Kim1 |
1National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University |
젖소에서 유성분 분석을 통한 영양상태 평가 및 건강관리에 관한 연구 IV. 고능력우 위주의 대규모 목장에서 분만 후 첫 번째 유검정 성적과 제4위전위 질병과의 관련성 |
문진산1, 손창호2, 주이석1, 강현미1, 장금찬1, 김종만1 |
1국립수의과학검역원 2전남대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
Milk data may be increasingly used as indicators of the protein-energy balance and actual farm feeding practices. It was related to milk production, nutritional and reproductive disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between level of fat, protein or milk urea nitrogen (MUN) from the first test within 35 days in milk and displaced abomasum (DA) in a large dairy herd with high yielding Holstein cows. Milk data from forty-five DA cases were compared to those from 90 healthy cows. Higher odds of DA diagnosis was found with higher 5.0% milk fat, lower 3.0% milk protein. Therefore, cows with a fat to protein ratio of>1.5 had higher risks for DA. Also, incidence rates of DA was higher in the cows which the level of MUN was lower than 12.0 mg/dl or higher than 25.0 mg/dl relative to healthy cows. These results indicate that cows diagnosed with DA were energy deficient prior to DA diagnosis. We conclude that level of fat, protein or MUN serve as a monitoring tool of protein and energy nutritional balance in early lactation cows and also as a significant predictor of risk for DA. |
Key Words:
cow, milk composition, displaced abomasum |