Late Biological Effect of Gamma Radiation and the Effect of Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang on Radiation-Induced Late Biological Effect in Mice |
Se-ra Kim1, Sung-kee Jo2, Sung-ho Kim1 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University 2Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute |
감마선 조사 마우스의 만성장해와 보중익기탕 투여 효과 |
김세라1, 조성기2, 김성호1 |
1전남대학교 수의과대학 2한국원자력연구소 |
Abstract |
We performed this study to determine the late biological effect of gamma radiation and effect of Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (BZYQT), a prescription of traditional Oriental medicine, on radiation-induced late biological effect (survival, hematological change, carcinogenesis) of mice irradiated with 3 Gy of gamma-radiation. There were little difference in body weights between normal and irradiated mice. Survival rate were decreased in irradiated mice and the survival rate and mean survival time of the groups treated with BZYQT were far better than the irradiation control group. A significant elevation of total leukocyte or lymphocyte counts was seen at week 4 and 12 of the group treated with BZYQT. Stimulated recovery by the extract from BZYQT was also observed in thrombocyte. Main gross findings of irradiated mice were appeared as enlargement of spleen, thymus and liver, tumorous nodules of lung and cyst or mass of ovary. Microscopically, there were various findings including hematopoietic and lymphoid tumor, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and cancer of other lesions. BZYQT reduced the incidence of tumor development. Further studies are needed to characterize better the protective nature of ingredients and active compounds. |
Key Words:
radiation, Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (BZYQT), carcinogenesis, hematological change, ICR mouse |