Evaluation of Micronucleus Frequency in Cytokinesis-blocked Bovine Lymphocytes from Regions around Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant |
Se-ra Kim1, Tae-hwan Kim2, Sung-ho Kim1 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University 2Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Science |
세포질 분열 차단 림프구를 이용한 월성원자력발전소 주변 소의 미소핵 발생 평가 |
김세라1, 김태환2, 김성호1 |
1전남대학교 수의과대학 2원자력의학원 |
Abstract |
Cytogenetic and hematological analysis was performed in bovine peripheral blood from the regions around Wolsong nuclear power plant and control area. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) in peripheral blood lymphocytes from cattle was used as a biomarker of radiobiological effects resulting from exposure to environmental radiation. An estimated dare of radiation was calculated by a best fitting linear-quadratic model based on the radiation-induced MN formation from the bovine lymphocytes exposed in vitro to radiation over the range from 0 Gy to 4 Gy. MN rates in lymphocytes of cattle from Wolsong nuclear power plant and control area were 9.87/1,000 and 9.60/1,000, respectively. There were no significant differences in MN frequencies and hematological values in cattle between Wolsong and control area. The study indicates that the MN assay is a rapid, sensitive and accurate method that can be used to monitor a large population exposed to radiation. |
Key Words:
radiation, micronuclei, cattle, lymphocytes, nuclear power plant |