The Effects of Ozone Gas on Wound Healing in Skin |
Soo-jin Lee, Jae-il Lee, Myung-cheol Kim, Sung-hyuk Hong, Duck-hwan Kim, Sung-whan Cho |
College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University |
오존 가스가 피부창상의 치유에 미치는 영향 |
이수진, 이재일, 김명철, 홍성혁, 김덕환, 조성환 |
충남대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
This study was performed to determine the optimal dose of ozone for wound healing. Twenty Korean black goats were allocated to 4 groups. The skin wound with $1{ imes}1cm$ was induced over the hoof. For 5 minutes per day, 0.1 ppm (Group I), 1 ppm (Group II) and 6 ppm (Group III) ozone gas was applied. In control group, 5 ml of normal saline was applied daily on the wound. Wound square was determined using color image analyzer at day 0, 4 and 14. Soft tissue depth of wound was determined using radiograph. Before the application of ozone gas, $1{ imes}1cm$ of skin tissue was resected and observed for histopathologic findings. To determine the healing effect, $2{ imes}1cm$ of wound tissue was resected and observed for histopathologic findings at day 14. In mean squares of wound, all experimental groups revealed more reduced mean squares than control group at day 4, and especially Group II (p<0.05) and Group III (p<0.05) revealed significant reduction. At day 14, Group I and Group II (p<0.05) revealed more reduced mean squares than control group, but Group III revealed less reduced mean squares than control group. In soft tissue depth of wound, all experimental groups and control group revealed swelling at day 4, compared with day 0. At day 14, all experimental groups and control group revealed reduction, compared with day 4, and especially Group II (p<0.05) revealed significant reduction. In histopathological findings, inflammation findings in epidermis and dermis, hemorrhagic finding in epidermis were revealed in control group. In Group I, inflammation finding was reduced, compared with control group. Formation of scab and many reepithelialization of epidermis were revealed. In Group II, inflammation findings in epidermis and dermis which were observed in control group were not found, normal skin tissue was revealed. In Group III, inflammation findings in epidermis and dermis were revealed, reepithelialization of epidermis was not founded. Slow healing process was observed, compared with Group I and II. It was concluded that Group II has excellent promotion effect of wound healing. |
Key Words:
ozone gas, wound healing, Korean black goat |