Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2003;43(4):697-702.
The Effects of the haemodialysate Solcoseryl? on second-intention full-thickness skin wound healing in dogs
Young-sam Kwon, Kwang-ho Jang
College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
개에서 Haemodialysate Solcoseryl?이 전층피부창상의 제2기 유합 치유에 미치는 영향
권영삼, 장광호
경북대학교 수의과대학
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a protein-free, standardized dialysate/ultrafiltrate (HD) derivatives from calf blood (Solcoseryl$^{(R)}$) for second-intention full-thickness skin wound healing in dogs. Three $2{ imes}2cm$ area-matched full-thickness skin wounds were created bilaterally on the dorsolateral aspect of the trunk of nine dogs. In each dog, two wounds were treated with HD, cemella asiatica extract (Centrasol$^{(R)}$) and normal saline, respectively. For six weeks, the wounds were evaluated grossly for contraction, epithelialization and healing and were examined histopathologically. In the first week of the wound healing period, HD stimulated wound contraction and healing more significantly than centasol and normal saline (p<0.05). Neutrophils were more increased in the HD-treated wounds than those in centasol or normal saline treated wounds. In the second week, HD stimulated epithelialization more significantly than centasol or normal saline (p<0.05), and neovascularization and granulation more increased in the HD-treated wounds than those in centasol and normal saline treated wounds. In conclusion, HD was the most effective on early wound contraction, epithelialization and healings among three experimental drugs in full-thickness skin wound.
Key Words: Solcoseryl$^{(R)}$, wound healing, wound contraction, epithelialization, dog
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