Control of canine respiratory and diarrheal disease using egg yolk antibodies I. Induction of antibody in hens immunized with combined antigens of Bordetella bronchiseptica, parvovirus and canine distempervirus |
Hee-soo Lee1, Jong-man Kim1, Seng-ryong Woo1, Byeong-yeal Jung1, Yun-Sang Cho1, Dong-seob Tark1, Sook-kyoung Lim1, Han sang Yoo2, Yong-dhuk Yoon3, Woo Huh4, Young-sik Mun4, Jin-sik Oh3 |
1National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Services 2College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University 3Green Cross Veterinary Science Institute 4Dae Sung Microbiology Laboratory |
난황면역제를 이용한 개 주요 소화기 및 호흡기질병 방제에 관한 연구 I. 개 보데텔라, 파보바이러스 및 개디스템퍼 항원의 닭에서의 면역반응 |
이희수1, 김종만1, 우승룡1, 정병열1, 조윤상1, 탁동섭1, 임숙경1, 유한상2, 윤용덕3, 허원4, 문영식4, 오진식3 |
1국립수의과학검역원 2서울대학교 수의과대학 및 농생명공학부 3녹십자수의연구소 4대성미생물연구소 |
Abstract |
This study was carried out to produce IgY against B. bronchiseptica, parvovirus and distemper virus that are major pathogens in alimentary and/or respiratory diseases of dogs. In the comparison of adjuvants, ISA70 was the best in the rapid induction and maintence of antibody titers. Agglutination antibody titers against B. bronchiseptica were 1:1,280 ~ 1:10,240 in sera and 1:160 ~ 1:1,280 in egg yolk. Hemagglutination inhibition(HI) titers against parvovirus in sera and egg yolk were 1:80 ~ 1:320 and 1:64 ~ 1:256, respectively. Virus neutralization titers against canine distemper was 1:8 ~ 1:64 in sera and egg yolk. These results suggested that egg yolk antibody titers could be variable according to a sort of adjuvant and antigens of the pathogens. |
Key Words:
egg yolk antibodies, B. bronchiseptica, parvovirus, distemper virus, immune response |