Immunomodulatory effect on chitosan against Fowl typhoid infection |
Kyoung-Oh Cho1, Hong-Bum Koh1, Gye-Yeop Kim2 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University 2College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University |
가금티푸스 감염에 대한 키토산의 면역반응 |
조경오1, 고흥범1, 김계엽2 |
1전남대학교 수의과대학 2동신대학교 한의과대학 |
Abstract |
Chitosan is similar in structure to cellulose and are the second most abundant polysaccharides in nature, comprising the horny substance in the exoskeletons of crabs, shrimp and insects as well as fungi. This study was conducted to access the effect of immunomodulation responses of chitosan(N-acetyl-${eta}$-D-glucosamine) chicken infected with in Fowl typhoid(Salmonella gallinarum). One-day-old broiler chicks were divided into eight groups: The 1st group was inoculated intra-peritoneally with chitosan and challenged intra-peritoneally with S. gallinarum. The 2nd group was inoculated intra-peritoneally with chitosan. The 3rd group was feeding with chitosan and intra-peritoneally inoculated with cyclophosphamide and challenged intra-peritoneally S. gallinarum. The 4th group was feeding with chitosan and intra-peritoneally with cyclophosphamide. The 5th group was feeding with chitosan and challenged intra-peritoneally with S. gallinarum. The 6th group was feeding with chitosan. The 7th group was challenged intra-peritoneally with S. gallinarum. The 8th group was nontreated-uninfected control group. The results shows that $CD4^+$, $CD8^+$ and B lymphocyte in lymphoid organs of chickens treated with chitosan increased in especially $CD4^+$, $CD8^+$ lymphocytes (p<0.05). The group of feeding chitosan showed the significantly increased $CD4^+$, $CD8^+$ and B lymphocyte than inoculated intra-peritoneally with chitosan. As the result suggests that the feeding of chitosan induced immunostimulatant effect than the inoculation intra-peritoeally of chitosan. |
Key Words:
Fowl typhoid, chitosan, $CD4^+$, $CD8^+$, B cell |