Multifocal interstitial nephritis of pigs slaughtered in Jeju |
Hyoung-Seok Yang1, Na-Yeon Yang1, Wan-Cheul Kang2, Sang-Chul Kang1, Hong-Won Kang1, Jae-Hoon Kim1, Jong-Hee Bae1 |
1Department. of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University 2Animal Health Department of Jeju Provincial Institute for Livestock Promotion |
제주지역 도축돈의 간질성 신염 |
양형석1, 양나연1, 강완철2, 강상철1, 강홍원1, 김재훈1, 배종희1 |
1제주대학교 수의학과 2제주도 축산진흥원 |
Abstract |
Total 160 head of porcine kidneys were examined for gross and histopathological lesions and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2), porcine parvovirus (PPV), Leptospira species and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Grossly, 137 kidneys (85.6%) had lesions characterized by the presence of the scattered white foci. Microscopically, multifocal interstitial nephritis, which classified into 4 grades such as, no lesion (Score 0), mild lesion (Score 1), moderate lesion (Score 2) and severe chronic lesion (Score 3) with fibrosis, was observed in 159 cases (99.4%). The histopathologic mean score for multifocal interstitial nephritis was significantly different (P<0.05) between the cases of PCV-2 single infection and the cases of co-infection with PCV-2 and PPV. According to PCR evaluation, PCV-2 were detected in 73.8% (118 cases), PPV were in 66.9% (107 cases), however Leptospira spp. and PRRSV were negative in all kidneys. Both PCV-2 and PPV were detected in 52.5% (84 cases). In 84 cases co-infected with PCV-2 and PPV, the occurrence of lymphoid follicle and vasculitis were observed as 65.5% (55 cases) and 26.2% (22 cases), respectively. These results revealed that PCV-2 and PPV were major infectious agents for interstitial nephritis in slaughtered pigs, Jeju. And the histopathologic lesions of multifocal interstitial nephritis were more severe in the case co-infected with PCV-2 and PPV. |
Key Words:
interstitial nephritis, PCV-2, PPV, Leptospira, PRRSV |