Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2004;44(3):415-420.
Control of canine respiratory and diarrheal disease using egg yolk antibodies II. Immunoprophylatic effect of egg yolk antibodies in mice and dogs
Hee-Soo Lee1, Jong-man Kim1, Seung-ryong Woo1, Byeong-yeal Jeong1, Yun-Sang Cho1, Han-sang Yoo2, Yong-dhuk Yoon3, Won Huh4, Young-sik Mun4, Jin-sik Oh3
1National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Services
2College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University
3Green Cross Veterinary Science Institute
4Dae Sung Microbiology Laboratory
난황면역제를 이용한 개 주요 소화기 및 호흡기질병 방제에 관한 연구 II. 난황면역제의 실험동물 및 개에 있어서의 질병방제 효과
이희수1, 김종만1, 우승룡1, 정병열1, 조윤상1, 유한상2, 윤용덕3, 허원4, 문영식4, 오진식3
2서울대학교 수의과대학 및 농생명공학부
Immunoprophylatic effect of IgY against B. bronchispetica was proven with 100% preventive rate in mice administrated with IgY with antibody titer 1:640~1:2,560. Intramuscular administration was more efficient than oral administration. This phenomenon was also observed in the therapeutic effects of IgY after challenge with B. bronchseptica in mice. In the field trials with the egg yolk antibodies from hens immunized with combined antigens with B. bronchiseptica and parvovirus, curing rates in dogs with severe clnical signs such as bloody diarrhea were 81.6% and 86.7% by intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of IgY, respectively. Safety of the antibodies in dogs was proven without any side effects such as vomiting, edema, fever, etc. by adminstration of double doses for 7 days. These results indicated that the egg yolk antibodies could be used as effective prevention and treatment of alimentary and respiratory diseases in dogs.
Key Words: egg yolk antibodies, B. bronchiseptica, Parvovirus, therapeutic effects

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